Tag Archives: BuildABear

2014 Social Media winners and losers

Mashable have pulled together 12 of this year’s most notable social media campaigns from around the world – some good and some bad, but there are some fascinating lessons to be learned.

CAUTIONARY WARNING – please note that the Mashable article does contain some examples which some readers might find offensive.


On the positive side, a common thread that runs through all of the most successful campaigns is that whilst they are impactful, they have also been well thought through – people clearly want to share good content and these are either entertaining, informative or thought-provoking.

Here is an example of some great content:

When you look at the example of negative impact, the most significant thing you notice is that it only takes one small error (even if it’s based on good intentions) to create a whole world of headache – this is most effectively demonstrated by the BuildABear rebuke. And although it’s not featured on the Mashable article, the KLM debacle after Holland beat Mexico is another memorable example.

So, how is this useful?

Well, it is another reminder, if one was needed, that once a message is posted anywhere, it is out there for the world to see – if it’s good ‘spreadable media’ as David Spitz called it, then great, you will hopefully generate more people who want to engage with you, many of whom will be ‘multipliers’.

But if you rush a message or don’t fully consider the impact of, not just what you say, but also how you say it, then you may find a great many more people see your message but the consequences may be damaging.Twitter Error

So, a great trick is it put yourself into the shoes of your digital audience and ask yourself “Is what I am saying interesting, helpful or thought-provoking?” If the answer is ‘no’ then maybe it’s worth just holding back and perhaps re-evaluating the message.

This is why both Branding Strategy and Social Media workshops form major parts of our new and innovative Focus7 programme – this is a great opportunity for sharing best practice (and perhaps avoiding the mistakes of others!)


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